Success Sessions: Guidance for Dealing with Cancer
Receiving a diagnosis and dealing with cancer can feel like you have stepped into an empty elevator shaft. Regardless of the type of cancer, it can be a new shade of human darkness. When I heard, "Laurie, I am sorry you have pancreatic cancer," my reply was, "I do not; that is a death sentence; you have the wrong file."
Cancer doesn't fight fair. According to these attributes, I was on the "very healthy" end of the spectrum: weight, disciplined exercise enthusiast, bone density of a 26-year-old at age 55, never smoked, sodas and fast food were never a part of my diet and I was diligent about consistent annual checkups. So, I asked my oncologist, "What could I have done differently?" His reply… "Nothing."
I am convinced I was given this mountain for a reason. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. However, the valley feels as if you have been thrown into a foreign land, with everyone around you speaking a language that is difficult to understand. Shock, fear, disbelief – how can this be? I am committed to ensuring that others traveling this journey have a "translator" in their midst. I provide coaching sessions that have proven to help clear a path to success. My goal is to offer guidance and, most importantly, hope.
A recent patient session started with a weak "hello" followed by uncontrollable sobbing. She had been doing so well with her treatments, learning to cope with mild side effects, and living a reasonably good quality of life. And yet, today, two years into her journey, she was terrified and desperate for certainty. It was clear she was struggling and very emotional. All she could say was, "Laurie, you are the only person I want to talk to because you know how I feel." I spoke about how fear can distort reality and be paralyzing. My goal was to help her refocus her thoughts, recognizing she was in control of many aspects of this journey, and there were small successes to observe. I wanted her to stay in the moment, be kind to herself, honoring the brave battle she has been fighting. Sharing what I experienced in those very dark moments and how I managed was comforting, knowing she was not alone. She later shared that the tips and steps I suggested helped her feel more in control and less vulnerable.
My Success Sessions are designed for those who need advice. I focus on sharing my proven tips for coping, surviving, and thriving, and what helped me manage a health journey of cancer for the last 15 years. I intend to have you regain control, be your own advocate and set up a plan to help you avoid isolation during the process.
“Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice.”
Initially, it is about the patient taking charge, being an active participant in the healing process, and really dealing with cancer. It's about permitting yourself to get your needs met, paying particular attention to mind, body, spirit. I want to help you see more clearly and not let fears distort reality. I provide examples of how I learned to stay mentally strong and in the moment, even while facing horrific daily obstacles. My patients are able to share in the value of my experiences and lessons learned. They don't feel alone. This is because believing in myself as I faced daily obstacles is valuable coming from someone who has experienced surviving the world's most challenging cancer.
It doesn't matter who you are. We all need support. Gabriella Sehinkman, a licensed clinical social worker, said, "The pandemic has functioned like a magnifying glass for vulnerabilities." With my coaching sessions, I want you to find an experience of calm and reassurance that you are doing the right thing.
Each session is customized to the specific needs of the individual. Sessions are scheduled for 55 minutes weekly or as needed via telephone or Zoom. For two years, one patient I have spoken with is doing very well and has temporarily stopped treatment. While her cancer is always at the heart of our conversations, more time is spent sharing stories on art, travel, books, and TV shows. She likes the comfort of expressing her fears or mood swings that she experiences with her loved ones. She says, "I know you get it when I am fretting over an upcoming scan." And that's what I am here for!
For those interested in a complimentary intro call, below are a few questions I will ask.
Where are you in the cancer process, and how are you feeling physically now?
What kind of support group do you have in place?
What information or resources do you need?
What do you want to get out of this?
A few of the topics covered in my Success Sessions to help when dealing with cancer:
How to become the best patient that you can be.
How to set realistic goals.
How to communicate well with those you love.
How to cope with the many side effects.
Your relationship to your diagnoses.
The practical steps that you can take around treatment.
Prioritizing self-care.
Quality of life: Thriving with cancer.
Diet, nutrition, and exercise.
How to be your own advocate.
Stress of relationships.
“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful of your life.”
I will never give up supporting others and thank all of you for being a part of my journey. You have given me today and every day after to celebrate and recognize the beauty of your friendship, support, and generosity. I am grateful!
With unyielding work and care, you have made a profound change in what a patient can expect in their future. Thank you for your passionate devotion to helping others keep their spirit of hope alive. Please continue your important work on our behalf.”